Download By Heart for free
Legal notice
ByHeart is the shareware program.
You can use it freely during a 30-day trial period. For further legal usage you should register.
All terms of registration are explained on the registration page.
The author will be gratefull for any advices, proposals, criticism and error reports.
If you are the end user then, please, tell what functions and interface features do you need.
If you are the linguist then, please, give us the benefit of your experience,
let us know how to improve the learning methodology and correct the language-specific errors.
Attention! Due to the managerial difficulties ByHeart was not tested severely under Windows 2000, so if you have such an opportunity please do it and send results.
Special offer. If you are the programmer-enthusiast, specializing on multimedia techologies,
you can take part in the further development of the program.
If you have a free disk space for hosting ByHeart distribution kits and supplementary stuff
(vocabularies, images, sounds), please, send your proposals too.¶

ByHeart History
For those who visit ByHeart site the first time or are not familiar with the product yet, it may be useful to read just a little bit about ByHeart features. Otherwise - scroll down to the bottom of the page to download the latest version.
Main features
- Easy and efficient tools for working with 2-way (bidirectional) vocabularies;
- Multi-language support, utilizing the capability of MS Windows to work with more than 40 languages;
- Images and sounds can be attached to clauses;
- Several learning modes;
- Game-like exams;
- Drag & Drop support;
- A possibility to add a comment to any clause and insert a hyper-links to other clauses;
Starting from version 1.2c (september 1998) ByHeart supports the multi-user
network exam. This is a unique function for programs for learning foreign languages.
New features in version 1.30:
- enhanced learning mode based on one originally developed by Daniel Green (Tutor home page);
- crossword;
- built-in facilities for user interface localization; it allows ByHeart to speak your native language.
New features in version 1.35:
- intelligent language and font setup.
By Heart 1.45 innovations:
- printing with on-screen preview;
- phonotype support based on the font with International Phonetic Alphabet (Copyright © Summer Institute of Linguistics, http://www.sil.org);
- new 'phrasal' learning mode;
- backup option.
ByHeart 1.49:
- Phrases Wizard;
- Enhanced Phrases learning mode;
- Dialogues (conversations) learning mode;
- Dialogues (conversations) Wizard;
- New customizable toolbar with large buttons;
- Frame 25;
- Support of the additional directories for multimedia attachments;
- The option 'blank to underscores' for simplified entering of phrases;
- Vocabulary-template;
- Displaying of a whole clause in a small type in most of learning modes;
- Integration with ByHeart Karaoke.
ByHeart 1.64:
- Tutor - the original learning method by Daniel Green;
- Deja Vu - the advanced learning mode with textbooks, lessons, and learning schedule;
- the Wizard for loading of non-standard text vocabularies, it enables you to load text files with Anyhow Separated Values into ByHeart;
- Render to HTML function, including MS Office 2000 compatibility;
- JPEG and JFIF graphic formats support;
- Truncating of clauses at predefined symbols (in most learning modes);
- 'Transparent' reading and writing of Tutor's dictionaries (a subset of CSV-format, proposed by Daniel Green);
- Vocabularies blending by a shared language.
ByHeart 1.65 (May 8, 1999):
- Several bugs dealing with CSV-files and blending have been wiped out;
- Some minor enhancements have been made;
- Shareware protection has been made less annoying.
ByHeart 1.68.X (July, 1999):
- Custom types support;
- Deja Vu multi-user and multi-purpose profiles;
- Secret Agent learning meta-mode;
- Editing of Dialogues (conversations);
- Prefixes;
- New design of the Options and Learning Options dialogs;
- Extended format of CSV-files headers, information about languages is now optionally included;
- Automatic transfer of parts of speech and custom types from the left to the right side of a vocabulary.
ByHeart 1.70 (December, 1999)
- New Drag'n'Drop learning mode for phrases with multiple keywords;
- The loading and saving of BH2 and TXT vocabularies have been speeded up significantly;
- Indicators of item's attachments are now shown for translations;
- Some errors with improper representation of items under certain conditions have been fixed;
- Other minor changes, including all that were made for service packs.
ByHeart 1.71 (February, 2000)
- All changes from ByHeart 1.70 Service Pack 1;
- Interface language is changed on the fly now, just upon a user request;
- Bugs fixes.
How to get it?
This is the list of links for ByHeart distribution kits and related stuff.
ByHeart home site Copyright © 1997 - 2000, Contents & Design, Stanislav Korotky, All rights reserved